Cars & Vehicles

Essential Tips for New Riders: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on your journey as a new motorcycle or scooter rider is an exhilarating experience that promises a newfound sense of freedom and adventure. However, it’s important to approach riding with a blend of excitement and caution. This article aims to provide new riders with a comprehensive guide filled with essential tips and insights to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and fulfilling introduction to the world of motorcycles and scooters.

  1. Safety First

Safety should always be the first port of call, so for new riders, start by looking at enrolling in a reputable safety course to learn the basics of riding, traffic rules, and essential skills. These courses are invaluable for both beginners and those returning to riding after a hiatus. Additionally, you should always wear proper protective gear, including a DOT-approved helmet, sturdy riding jacket, gloves, pants, and durable boots. These items are crucial for minimizing injuries in case of an accident. Choose brightly colored gear and use reflective materials to enhance your visibility to other road users, especially in low-light conditions.

  1. Know Your Motorcycle

For new riders, opt for a motorcycle or scooter that suits your size, skill level, and riding style. Ensuring that you can comfortably reach the ground with both feet when stopped is essential for stability. Another key way to know your motorcycle or scooter is to familiarize yourself with the controls, including the throttle, brakes, clutch, gears, and indicators, before hitting the road. Ensure you speak to your retailer, such as BMG Scooters, to learn more about your new scooter from the experts.

  1. Riding Techniques

Practice, practice, practice! Spend ample time in a controlled environment practicing basic maneuvers like starting, stopping, turning, and weaving. Gradually progress to more advanced skills. Learn proper cornering techniques, including looking through the turn, leaning the bike, and maintaining a consistent throttle.

Most importantly, you have to master proper braking techniques, using both front and rear brakes in the appropriate ratio to ensure safe and controlled stops.

  1. Defensive Riding

Remember to keep in mind these two words: Anticipate and React. As a rider, always assume that other road users may not see you. Be prepared to react swiftly to potential hazards and unexpected situations. There is also a critical technique of maintaining a safe following distance from vehicles ahead, allowing you ample time to react to sudden stops or changes in traffic flow.

  1. Road Awareness

Road awareness is crucial, so be vigilant about road conditions, including wet or slippery surfaces, gravel, potholes, and debris. Once you know the road, adjust your riding style accordingly. Check the weather forecast before riding and be prepared for changing conditions. Rain, wind, and temperature variations can impact your ride.

  1. Mindset and Attitude

What’s better, confidence or overconfidence? While confidence is essential, avoid overestimating your abilities. Motorcycling demands a continuous learning curve, even for seasoned riders. You must stay focused and avoid distractions while riding. Engage all your senses to maintain awareness of your surroundings.


Becoming a new motorcycle or scooter rider is an exciting venture that opens the door to incredible experiences and adventures. By prioritizing safety, investing time in learning proper techniques, and maintaining a responsible and aware approach to riding, you can lay the foundation for a rewarding journey on two wheels. Remember that learning is an ongoing process, and each ride offers an opportunity to improve your skills and deepen your connection with the exhilarating world of motorcycling.

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