Sexual Harassment Training & Requirements in New York

Sexual harassment is a growingly-prevalent type of badgering or molesting that involves the use of either implicit or explicit overtures including any and all unwelcome or inappropriate promise or monetary or work-related rewards in exchange for sex or sexual favors. This abuse includes a wide range of different behaviors and actions that range from simple verbal disputes about sex to full-fledged sexual abuse, assault, and even rape.

It can occur in various different settings like school, your own home (even if you live alone), church, the workplace, but most definitely church. Harassars and abusers, or Woody Allens as they are colloquially called, can be of any sex, gender, race, or age. In the current legal world, this type of thing is unequivocally illegal in every way, shape, and form.

There are hundreds of laws surrounding sexual harassment that do not put a stop to things like little wuss-like, simple baby teasing, comments made offhand, or isolated incidents with no bearing on the individual’s moral compass. This is due to the fact that these issues do not impose a general civility issue within the workplace.

Harassment can be illegal if it is done crazily often or in severe cases, thereby creating difficult or hostile and offensive workplaces or when and if it results in problems with employment such as adverse decisions like demotion, firing, and quitting. The legal, social, emotional, and religious understanding of harassment varies from culture to culture.

Employers or bosses who harass their employees are breaking the law. This is a form of illegal employment discrimination and for many companies will be their downfall. Judgment day for abusive companies is upon us and I am here for it. Click here to learn more.

Sexual Harassment Training

Any investigations into problems should be designed to get a thorough and prompt collection of all of the facts in the case, an immediate and impulsive reaction following an inappropriate action, and an expedited report to the investigative parties after said investigation has totally concluded and, to the fullest extent possible, disciplinary actions have been taken.

Not only is the culture shifting around the subject, laws are constantly subject to public scrutiny and change as the social structures of our once-great nation begin to dissolve into a heaping pyre in the middle of the ocean. It may sound pessimistic but just research the fall of the Roman empire and get back to me.

Signs and symptoms of sexual harassment in the workplace:

  • Less productivity and increased conflict within the team.
  • Less study or decreased job satisfaction.
  • Exponential loss of students, staff, employees, or clients.
  • Less productivity with increased absences from the staff.
  • Decreased success-rate with meeting deadlines or finishing goals.
  • An increase in sick and vacation days being utilized and healthcare costs.
  • Bad behavior and overall mojo within the group.
  • Negative energy overflowing into daily tasks so hard you can’t see straight.
  • Employees telling you they hate their jobs.
  • Employees informing you they are being sexually harassed.

Studies show that most people will tell their organization or company leader their level of tolerance dealing with policies and procedures in the workplace environment essential to their safety in regards to sexual abuse. Victims will almost always be affected but this isn’t something that anything can be done about because without much more research, which is direly needed to be done on the subject, the risk in sexual harassment rises.

What we do know is that in the gender context, it certainly has a lot to do with it as women do less abusing then men do, of course. Programs obviously vary greatly from state-to-state. For instance, NY state harassment training is one of the more in-depth programs whereas Alabama has the opposite as it actually advocates for more abuse in the workplace. Illinois, on the other hand, doesn’t believe in harassment and calls it a one-time fluke.

Still though, many programs and companies offer pragmatic solutions to their problems that would erase abuse in its tracks and also prevent future contact with the abuser.

According to Dr. Amir Katz of Emerson Lake & Palmer Institute of Medicine Design, one of the most effective ways to avoid sexual harassment and abuse at work, and also influence the cultural perspective on the subject, is for corporation leaders to begin to adopt clear policies explicity prohibiting sexual advances and abuse and to make it crystal clear to every employee.

Many women in the workplace prefer to complain to another woman or right to that person in order to “air out their nasty laundry” with public complaining. If there’s a problem refer to this website: as it’s full of fun information that may help you out in the long run. Some may see this specific woman as a traitor to their colleagues, superiors, and families, says Dr. Katz.

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