3 Ways to Implement New Technology Faster in Your Business

Everyone can be a little hesitant about adopting new technology. If you’ve ever hated an update on your phone or even a social media platform, then you’ve been there. But in a business setting, slow adoption of technology can impact your efficiency and overall ability to get things done. If you have employees hesitant to implement new technology in the workplace, here are a few tips to help accelerate it.

Early Communication

It’s important that you communicate early on your intention to implement new technology in the office. Lack of transparency can make your employees feel blindsided, making them more resistant to the change. There should be regular meetings to continue discussing the rollout of the new tech, along with plenty of opportunities for questions and feedback. The more involved your team feels, the more accepting they’ll be of the change.

Enlist Some Champions

When you roll out new technology to everyone at once, then everyone is equally lost. Those feelings of frustration and resentment at the change can quickly pile up when everyone is feeling it at the same time. So start by enlisting some early champions of the new technology. These should be individuals who are most likely to accept these changes, who will be excited about the benefits and improvements.

These individuals can also provide you with feedback that will help the rollout to other members of the company go a little more smoothly. When you work out the kinks with those who are open to tech changes, you’ll have a smoother transition with the more tech-resistant ones, and therefore, end up with fewer dragging feet.

Have a Long-Term Strategy

Don’t implement new tech on a whim. Make sure you know exactly how this change will benefit your company and your employees, as well as how it fits into the long-term plan for your business. If you don’t have a structured plan for your tech, you’re more likely to make unnecessary changes in your programs and processes—ones that probably won’t benefit your business much. Those changes will likely keep happening as you try to figure out the right direction for your technology, and with each change you try to make, employees will dig their heels in even more.

Implementing technology in the workplace can feel like pulling teeth at times, but when you follow a clear plan, communicate openly, and enlist the help of employees receptive to technology changes, it can go a lot smoother. If you’re not sure where to begin with implementing new tech in your company, consider working with IT support services in Orlando. Many companies can help with rapid technology implementation and employee training.

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