What is the purpose of punishing our children? It’s easy to understand. We want them to understand the distinction between good and wrong. On the other hand, punishment does not teach children the difference between good and wrong. We’ve learned that kids must motivate themselves if there’s one thing we’ve learned. When adults control and punish children, they establish external discipline or exemplary behavior for appearances.
Children should, in actuality, desire to make the best decisions for themselves. They should manage the world and its difficulties with moral bravery and sensitivity. Sending them to the best preschools in Los Angeles is also a good solution. It’s not always easy to judge what’s right and wrong, and as parents, we can’t always be present to set these limits for our kids.
Getting To The Bottom Of The Issue
“How did we come up with the bizarre notion that the only way to motivate kids to achieve better is to make them feel bad?” Think about the last time you were humiliated or mistreated. “Did you feel like pitching in or improving your performance?”
So, what does this mean for parents and caregivers? To keep a child accountable for their conduct, we regularly spank or criticize them. Instead, we must hold individuals responsible for their actions regardless of whether or not an authorized person is present.
We discipline our children because we feel that if we don’t, they will become spoiled and do horrible things when they grow up. Punishment emphasizes the child’s specific actions and reminds him that his actions will result in inevitable consequences. We’re concentrating on two things: the child’s behavior toward others and what we’ll do to him if he doesn’t follow the rules.
We are neither aiding a kid in addressing the feelings that led to her acting out, nor are we addressing the root problem.
Make A Connection Before Correction
We all shout at our children when they engage in terrible behavior. Let’s face it: we’re human and dealing with a pandemic, so emotions and moods are sure to be high as humans as it accomplishes nothing. It effectively closes a communication channel between ourselves and our children. A mom once told me that she would shout at her daughter but realized how horrible it felt when her husband yelled at the child while she was present. It’s sometimes essential to transition from reactive to responsive parenting in little but substantial ways.
What can we do instead of shouting or criticizing our children? Create a list of your triggers and work to eliminate them. Also, try to understand the difference between a reaction and a response. Defense is a reaction, while a response is listening to your child’s side of the story and seeking to understand the behavior’s root cause.
Finally! Time-outs are Extrinsic, Not Intrinsic
You are forcing your child to sit away from you for a specific time when you give them a time-out. Yes, it’s critical to model distance and how we need to provide ourselves with space when we’re sad, but consider this: forcing a child to sit away from you while experiencing powerful emotions teaches her nothing, and we miss out on an opportunity to connect and converse. Such solid and confusing feelings are beyond the comprehension of a toddler. They’ll need our help to do this task like the child daycare in Torrance, CA, where they will learn and get to know what’s wrong or right in a very humble and polite way with the professionals.