
Top 8 Habits to Get Closer to Perfection

Who doesn’t want to make his life perfect? Of course, it’s complicated, but you can get closer to this goal following these tips.

Not Picking up Your Smartphone After Waking up

Pick up your phone as soon as you open your eyes? According to the International Data Corporation, 89% of users under 25 do so within the first 15 minutes of waking up, and 74% barely wake up. Meanwhile, excessive cell phone use can cause depression in young people.

Internet surfing, betting at 20Bet, and viewing notifications in the morning increases anxiety levels. For example, scrolling through the Instagram feed can drag on and last half an hour instead of the originally planned 5 minutes. As a result, there is no time left for other morning rituals, you have to get ready in a hurry and run about in a hurry – all this is a small but also stress, which may predetermine how the day will be – active or passive.

Try to devote the morning only to yourself: turn on a cheerful playlist and do gymnastics or meditate in silence, concentrating on your breath, then take a contrasting shower, make breakfast, etc.

Using Your Time Well: Listening to Podcasts While You’re Going Somewhere

Commute is the monotonous commute from home to work and back. In fact, it is the most useless time of day. However, the routine trips on public transport and long waits in traffic jams can be useful if you listen to podcasts, learning something new and interesting at the same time.

Writing Everything in One Message to Avoid Getting Banned

Today many people use messengers not only for personal communication, but also for business. Agree that sometimes it is much more convenient and faster to write to a person on WhatsApp. However, correspondence has an etiquette:

  • If you write first, be sure to introduce yourself: there is no time to go to the profile and find out what you do.
  • Get straight to the point. If the text is large, it’s better to divide it into paragraphs. But never send short messages one after the other, which annoys many people.
  • Leave voice messages for family and friends. Not everyone is comfortable with this format.
  • Don’t send messages overnight – not everyone puts the phone in silent mode.
  • Further communication is better moved to the work email, so as not to lose anything important.

Keeping Track of Your Income and Expenses to Know Where Your Money Goes

The easiest and most effective way to keep track of income and expenses is with an Excel spreadsheet. The main notes are where the money came from and what it went for. Items of expenditure might be:

  • Housing rent.
  • Internet and communication.
  • Transportation.
  • Groceries.

If you use Google Sheets, multiple users can access the file at once, which is handy when it comes to a shared budget.

Excel gurus might not be satisfied with simple formulas. If you want, you can, for example, insert charts or import currency rates into the tables. What is cool, additional options, like in other apps, don’t require a surcharge.

Not Overeating for Health and Wellness

Stopping overeating means reducing your risk of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as feeling better and living longer. It sounds paradoxical, but by restricting yourself from eating, you can save energy for more important things: our bodies don’t have to expend too much energy to digest and absorb food. But you shouldn’t eat too little either.

For a balanced meal, use an ordinary medium-sized flat plate, half filled with fresh vegetables, a quarter with protein foods, and the other quarter with whole grains.

To avoid overeating, follow some simple rules:

  • Plan your meals.
  • Take your time and eat for at least 20 minutes.
  • Limit your use of salt (salt stimulates appetite and “dulls” the real taste of foods).
  • Do not force yourself to eat something that you do not like.
  • Eat foods that have fewer calories.
  • Give up sugar if possible.
  • Don’t binge on stress.

Doing Well, Not Perfect

Have you ever noticed that perfectionists often take criticism, even constructive criticism, as an attack? Their goal is to make everything so good that there is nothing to complain about. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: from the notorious perfectionist syndrome to the total dependence on the opinion of others.

What should you do if perfectionism turns into unhealthy workaholism, and prevents you from living to the fullest? Allow yourself at least once in a while to be non-perfect.

Not Working on Weekends

Students in particular are familiar with the situation when you have to make up for over the weekend what you didn’t have time for during the weekdays. But even a young body cannot cope with the consequences that can cause endless employment – a decrease in performance, memory impairment and the risk of disease.

Emotional burnout is also a consequence of “work exploits”. Fear of “not having enough time to cope” and constant anxiety leads to chronically elevated levels of cortisol.

Of course, once in a while you can work on your day off, because no one is insured against force majeure. But if this is repeated from week to week, it is worth thinking about whether the workload is properly distributed during the school week.

Summarizing the Day to Achieve the Main Goal

Why is it that at the beginning of the year a person sets a realistic and achievable goal (for example, to improve self-development or health), and by the end of the year discovers that it has not been achieved or has been partially achieved? Why is there no time or energy left for the really important things?

For many, making checklists is one of the primary goals. While crossing off one item after another, it’s important to be aware of how these tasks relate to your long-term goals.

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